[0.8.54] - More Tweaks and Hotfixes
Ohoy Kadungganan!
I played through a game at Karanduun Tier and have come to round off some math tweaks to round off the game experience!
Again, I apologize for the constant updates, especially to all the MAs that have to readjust their Foe stat blocks. But trust me, the math changes are for the better. They make for tenser, quicker, and more lethal fights! I've also updated the Character Records. Math problems like this come with such a drastic shift in dice mechanics.
Thank you so much for sticking with Gubat Banwa. Here's 0.8.54~
Across the Board Change
The Dice Mechanic has had a minor tweak. Now, on a roll, you count 5, 6, 7, and 8 as Hits now, instead of just 6 ~ 8. Virtues, Subvirtues, and Skills all can only be raised to 5 now.
Devlog: The update for this one is more probability related. Off of the previous dice mechanic, you get 1 Hit per 3 dice. So 12 dice (the most you can get off of Virtues back then) would, by average, give 4 Hits, which is not enough to get over Karanduun Tier Enemy damages, which is definitely not something we want for Gubat Banwa. Now, every 2d is more or less equal to 1 Hit. Thus, Skills are lowered, and starting dice pools are lower as well. Numbers are smaller, so it is better to roll (keeping face to face games in mind).
Boon and Bane work vastly differently now. They go like this: for every Boon you have on the roll, it lowers the difficulty or defense by 1. For every Bane, it raises the difficulty or defense by 1.
Devlog: This is an important change because of two things: 1) gaining a Boon still grants too high of a chance of just getting no Hits and 2) Banes deducting dice from a dice pool can be detrimental to the game experience and math probabilities. Think if a player with a dice pool of 6 against a defense of 3 rolls with 2 Bane. That's an instant -4, which is immediately outside of the scope of the roll. No way will they be able to roll 3 or more Hits.
With the new Banes, the challenge instead becomes 6 dice vs a Defense of 5. Getting 5 Hits is still really hard, but it's at least possible now, and surmountable with the right amount of Favor Dice.
Preparation Tweaks
You can no longer ply the market during Preparation, but you can now respec Techniques: "You may swap out one Technique that you have with another Technique from your current Discipline."
Action Tweaks
Focus Sorcery: Removed the once per Phase limitation.
Preparation Tweaks:
You no longer Ply The Market during Preparation (that can be covered by Materiel now). Instead, you can swap 1 Technique that you have with a Technique from your Current Discipline.
Conditions Tweaks:
Befuddled - Only grants 1 Boon instead of 2 when suffering hostile actions.
Hindered - All rolls have 1 Boon instead of 2.
Fraying - Deals 2 damage per instance of Fraying now.
Advancement Tweaks
Every rise in Kadungganan Tier now gives +1 to your damage.
Devlog: I thought Techniques would be enough for damage boosts, but it was too much work and trap options, so I'll be raising the damage alongside Tier rising now.
Discipline Tweaks
All Elite Skills now only cost 1 Action now. Additionally, clarifications for various Elite Skills. Check yours out in the PDF even if it's not listed below! Also, to coincide with the dice pool mechanic changes, all Disciplines have been tweaked. Update your character sheets!
Additionally, Discipiline Traits have been renamed "Discipline Subvirtue Bonuses" so that people know what they do. Additionally, Disciplines don't actually have Strike or Magick bonuses anymore, so your Strike or Magick is contingent on your character, a la FFXII. However, each Discipline's Feature now has bonuses and stuff that let them be better at what they're good at, giving them bonuses to Attacks while wielding Instruments or Shortbows and all that good stuff.
Check it out! Below are some of the larger changes.
TECHNIQUE: Litany of Action lets you move give up to 2 people Hastened now, within 3 spaces of you.
TECHNIQUE: Sariwa now has the following effect: Focus Sorcery until you have 5 Kinaadman. When the spell is cast, give up to 2 Allies within 3 spaces of you +1 Boon on their next attack.
TECHNIQUE: Palm Meditation now only needs 3 Kinaadman instead of 5.
FEATURE: Building Rage. Whenever you suffer damage, gain a Sabil Token. You can only have up to 5 Sabil Tokens during a scene, and you always start each scene with 0 Sabil Tokens. When you attack with a melee weapon, you may spend Sabil Tokens to gain extra dice to the attack equal to the Sabil Tokens spent.
ELITE SKILL: Avatar of Violence: Instead of making your damage 8 while the Avatar, you instead gain flat +4 damage boost.
ELITE SKILL: Diwa Kaliginida's Eschatology: Harness Unbridled Passion: Getting to use a Technique more than once per Phase is replaced with: "all Foes you attack become Marked until the end of your next Phase."
ELITE SKILL: Exalted Pagsabil now has the following text: While in the Exalted Pagsabil, gain +3 to your Strike, and your damage gains +4.
TECHNIQUE: Superior Dominance now has the following text: As an Action, you turn the tide with pure burgeoning tactical acuity. Choose 1 Foe within 4 spaces of you and make a Violence + Strike roll against them. On a Weak Pass, they become Vulnerable (save ends). On a Strong Pass, you may also deal your damage.
TECHNIQUE: Forever Awit now has the following text: Your voice counts as an Instrument Implement and you can now use Instruments as a melee weapon. Whenever deal damage with your Instrument, the target becomes Marked until the end of your next Phase.
FEATURE: Indignation now has the following text: Once per round, when you miss a with an attack, gain 1 indignation. You can only have up to 5 indignation. When you attack, you can spend any number of indignation to gain extra dice equal to Indignation spent.
FEATURE: Chilling Fury now has the following text: When you hit a Foe with an attack that you had Boon on, you may make them Chilled until the end of your next Phase.
ELITE SKILL: Principle of Cutting: Deal damage instead of double damage.
TECHNIQUE: Biyaya now has the following text: Apply your remedial knowledge and pray to the diwata and the kalag: Focus Sorcery until you have 3 Kinaadman. When the spell is cast, choose 1 Ally within 4 spaces of you and then choose one: They may make a save against a single effect or get +1 Boon on their next attack or Focus Sorcery.
Tweaked Foes even more. Bear with me, I've just played through a Karanduun Tier game and have needed to realign the numbers to fit the feel of the game more. In general, all damage is +2 per tier now, Controls, Supports, Marksmen, and Sentinels get +3/Tier dice pools for Strike and Magick.
Gubat Banwa First Edition [LEGACY]
The Martial Epic Fantasy RPG
Status | In development |
Category | Physical game |
Author | vajrapoet |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Fantasy, filipino, gubat-banwa, Medieval, Multiplayer, Narrative, Tactical, Tabletop role-playing game |
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